推荐最近最火的赌博软件授予U.S. 陆军人力资源解决方案项目办公室IDIQ合同价值高达2美元.60亿年

推荐最近最火的赌博软件, 联邦IT和工程解决方案的领先供应商, 今天宣布,它已被选为美国的主要供应商之一.S. Army HR Solutions Program Office’s largest Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract for the Personnel Support Services Service Area, 它的上限大约是2美元.五年内60亿美元. 根据合同条款, selected companies can bid on personnel support services to provide the Army with a range of capabilities to successfully complete its personnel support mission.

"We are honored to be given the opportunity to supply highly skilled resources and services to further advance the Army's mission of supporting its soldiers, 平民, 家庭成员,威廉·C说. 胡佛,最近比较火的正规赌博软件总裁兼首席执行官. "Through our Human Capital Services offering we can better serve the Army by rapidly deploying the required talent with speed, 精度, 质量和结果."

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 and its team of partners will provide the Army’s HR Solutions Program Office and its customers with the ability to respond quickly to current, 新的和激增的关键技能要求, 专业知识和人员. 具体地说, 该合同将为员工提供咨询和就业援助, 还有帮助台, 人力资源, 人员生命周期管理, 信息技术, 过渡的支持, 福利项目, and other mission critical support to meet the needs of the Army at installations worldwide.

作为主要供应商, 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 will lead a team of distinguished providers including Northrop Grumman Technical Services, 弧形公司, Aquate公司, 骄傲的行业, 卡宾公司, 和退伍军人企业技术解决方案, 公司.